Use Cases

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HearNow allows family and friends to send messages which are played by staff at a time convenient for the patient taking sedation and agitation/delirium into consideration as well as the health care professional, taking PPE conservation and workflow convenience into consideration.

In the hospital or other medical setting, when the patient is ready and is an optimal time to hear messages of support, love, and encouragement staff scans the QR code bringing them to the HearNow page. The play button is pressed and the messages begin playing. There is a loop option if a special song is identified.


HearNow addresses each of these areas by improving access to isolated patients when in-person visitation is not possible or convenient. This avoids staff using personal devices/FaceTime etc to connect ill patients with families, with no expectation or burden to reply.


In every use case, the sender will receive a message, confirming their message was heard by the loved one - providing closed-loop communication.

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